e-mail squares to chrisraymundo@gmail.com

GFA SBP 2021

Hello Family & Friends, It is that time of year again! Everybody’s favorite Super Bowl Pool brought to you by Guy From Accounting. Just $10 a square! 100% payout with up to 24 winners. Visit GFA SuperBowlPool to get started. Due to the increased popularity in my Super Bowl Pool, I will be running 2 this year. YES! 3 POOLS! (“C“hloe & “M“issy…

Numbers Picked!!!

Hello Everybody! Just want to start off by saying thank you all for participating in my Super Bowl Pool. This year filled up in just little over a week. Many people still missed out, so next year I will do 3 for sure. So consider yourself one of the lucky ones!…

The Winner’s List

We ALL want to be on the Winner’s List! This list has the names of the 190+ winners in the GFA Super Bowl Pool. Why is this important? When picking your squares, if you see these names, locking up the square as a neighbor would be a good idea. If…

How Do I Win?

The participant who owns the square that represents the score at the end of each quarter during the Super Bowl will WIN. There are 3 win types (Quarter, Reverse, Neighbor). Each quarter has up to 6 winners (4 qtrs x 6 winners) for a total of up to 24 winners. One square can win…